Element Consulting Engineers is a well-established consulting engineering company with more than 25 years' experience in multi-disciplinary engineering, consulting, contract management, project management and property development. We are active in all fields of civil engineering, structural engineering and electrical engineering. Our client database includes National-, Provincial- and Local Government; Governmental Agencies; Public Corporates, as well as Private Sector clients.
Our mission is to be a leading supplier of quality engineering solutions to the benefit of our clients, staff and other stakeholders. We believe that the success of any project lies in the team behind the work. Our staffing compliment combines experience, expertise and a passion for engineering into our services. We strive to maintain a well-qualified and efficient staff complement through a friendly working environment, pleasant working conditions, exceptional recognition, excellent resources, efficient and professional leadership, above average remuneration packages and a generous bonuses policy. It is this spirit which provides the driving forces behind our growing success.
We are an independent company with no obligations to, or ties with any commercial concern, which could influence the professional judgement, recommendations or decisions given by the company.
It is our objective to maintain growth but always to remain small enough to handle, at director level, each project in all its phases, from concept to completion. It is this personal attention to projects and clients which has, over the years, earned us the most commendations. This will always remain one of our main pledges.